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Beta 1
Beta 2


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Sonic Spinball Beta ROM

I can't actually put the ROM itself on the site, so you'll have to download this zip file. It contains an IPS patch and an extra bit for the end of the ROM.
Here's some instructions for using the files:

1.    Unzip both files, and use a tool such as Segatool to patch the IPS patch onto a copy of Sonic Spinball Final (US).

2.    Load both the newly patched ROM and the "extra.bin" file into a hex editor.

3.    Select all of the "extra.bin" data, copy it and paste it onto the end of the Sonic Spinball Final ROM.

And there you go, you have the Sonic Spinball Beta ROM.


Sub Terrania

This is the ROM that's at the end of the main beta ROM. Download it here.