MEKA Savestates
Version 1.1.20901


1. Art Format *CORRECTED*

1. Art Format

* Located at 2067
* 8x8 tiles using a maximum of 16 colors
* Each tile requires 32 Bytes (4 Bytes per line)

Here is the format for one line: AA BB CC DD

You need to convert these bytes into binary:
       A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1
       B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1
       C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1
       D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1

Each (D,C,B,A) group is used to code the color for the corresponding pixel.

For example:
(D8,C8,B8,A8) codes the color the the leftmost pixel of the line
(D1,C1,B1,A1) codes the color the the rightmost pixel of the line

The color is a simple 4-bit number, so you can use up to 16 colors, from the palette.

Now, a real example:
       4A C2 85 F1         (4 bytes coding the first line of a 8x8 tile)

       0100 1010 (4A)
       1100 0010 (C2)
       1000 0101 (85)
       1111 0001 (F1)

1st pixel color: 0111 = 0E
2nd pixel color: 1101 = 0B
3rd pixel color: 0001 = 08
4th pixel color: 0001 = 08
5th pixel color: 1000 = 01
6th pixel color: 0010 = 04
7th pixel color: 1100 = 03
8th pixel color: 0011 = 0C

So, the first line is:   0E  0B  08  08  01  04  03  0C

The Sonic 1 Master System Hacking Guide - MEKA Savestates
Made by David "Chaos" Declerck
For The Sonic Stuff Research Group
Contact me :