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Sonic 2 Beta Pictures!!

Yet more Beta pictures, stuff and rarities...

Metropolis Zone

I bet that nobody expected this Zone to be featured on a Secret Sonic page. The reason it is shown is because there are some features in the beta version that aren't in the final version, such as the ability to go into lava and the triangle thing that follows you (Good News! This is not in the final version of Sonic.)


Oil Ocean Zone

The music for all Ocean Zone sounds like Casino Night Zone. At the start of the beta version (shown below), there is a switch. When it is jumped on, a ball is released. The ball then continues to roll down a hill and so on. Thanks to Loony Mike, there is now proof that what I've said is real! Just download this Kgen Snapshot, unzip it and load it! Then jump on the switch!


Amazing E-mail Reveals All!

This E-mail to me from A.J. Freda is packed with information and theories on why Sonic 2 is packed with so many missing things.

#10 is the real music for Hidden Palace. I have proof:
You can speed up the music with Super Sneakers in the sound test, They probably didn't have the music finished yet in your beta copy, so they used something else, just like for wood zone, etc. #10 plays with the hidden palace level on the FINAL sonic 2 cart, so that was the finished music. Here is my theory about how all those lost levels went bye bye ^_^ Ok, First they had all those levels, then they took out Neo Green Hill Zone, Wood Zone, and Genocide City Zone, and they told magazines not to list those levels because in the carts that the magazines received those levels were still in there. Sonic Team told the magazines that they were sure they were going to put Hidden Palace in, and were fairly positive about Dust Hill (mystic cave). That's why you see so many pics of them in magazines. That one early dust hill picture was probably taken by a magazine that got the first stage development cart and didn't listen to them. ^_^. Next, they renamed dust hill to mystic cave. Then, once Sonic Team was wrapping up Sonic 2, they found out they had more than 12 levels (all sonic games come with 6 or 12 levels), so they said alright alright, we'll take out Hidden Palace Zone,  but they had already programmed the level in, so they stuck in a few bytes of code to skip the level and take it out of the level select menu, and they took out the graphics to save space.

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