From: "Thomas Huxley" Block sender To: "Sega Eclipse" Cc: Subject: Re: Fw: no, no, no... Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 19:12:09 -0000 Message body The body is in 1 part(s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for replying! Sorry, I should have thought about this before I sent it to you... I meant Sonic 3 and Knuckles (i.e. plugged into S&K). If you're using an emulator to play it, this site tells you how to play it this way (I found it on your site!): The debug in Sonic 3 and Knuckles is as follows: Go to any one of the swinging vines in the Angel Island zone, and press Left 3 times, Right 3 times, then up three times (doesn't matter if you're not fast enough, it will still work) and a chime should indicate your success. Press START, then A to return to the title screen. Press UP to see the Sound Test Option. Press start to get to the Level Select! Debug: Do Level select, then go from there to one of the push-pull lever things in Mushroom Hill zone. Enter the same, i.e. press Left 3 times, Right 3 times, then up three times (doesn't matter if you're not fast enough, it will still work) and a chime should indicate your success. Press START, then A to return to the title screen. Go back to the level select. To change your character, look at the little numbers under 'Angel Island' and press C a bit. This will change the character for when you begin a level. 00= Sonic and Tails 01= Sonic 02= Tails 03= Knuckles To activate the debug, hold A and press start when your selected zone is highlighted. For fun, try playing, for example, Knuckles in Death Egg Zone, or Sonic in Sky Sanctuary act 2 (the final boss for Knuckles)! It works, I can assure you! Sonic 3 alone: if you ever get to work the UUDDUUUU level select on Sonic 3 (it is possible; I can do it with a little patience!) alone, the Super Sonic sound code is 02, 04, 05, 06. An extra Special Stage is as follows: 01, 03, 05, 07. Highlight Special Stage Act two, and press A and START. Well, I hope it will work for you this time. Good luck! Thomas -----Original Message----- From: Sega Eclipse To: Date: 23 November 1998 10:50 Subject: Re: Fw: no, no, no... >Yes, well I can't seem to do the debug Sonic 3 >cheat. Maybe I am too slow. > >I will publish your info on my site if it's OK >with you. > >It'll be interesting to see what GrnAshura replies >to your E-mail with. heeheehee ^_^ > >THANKS FOR THE HELP / INFO etc...!!!!!! > >Original message from: "Thomas Huxley" > >Here is some proof that your homepage is the best... >ps. if you activate the debug in Sonic 3 and Knux, get the first seven emeralds, go to the Hidden Palace zone and land on one of the dark emeralds, you get transported to an extra Special Stage! Try it if you have it! >Thomas >-----Original Message----- >From: Marcus Huxley >To: >Date: 21 November 1998 12:44 >Subject: no, no, no... > > >You really shouldn't have insulted the 'secrets of Sonic the hedgehog' site... > > > >__________________________________________________________________ >Get your free Australian email account at > >