About the ROMs

Beta 1
Beta 2


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Beta 2 vs. Final



There are quite a few things different from Beta 2 and the final ROM; a lot of them being minor differences. Here's a list of the main differences:

  • When the game is paused, you can move around in Debug mode
  • A lot of the sounds are different, for example:
    • There is no "SEGA" sound
    • In-game music is slightly different
    • Sounds here and there in the game are different or not there at all
  • The options menu is inaccessible, and there is no music or sound at the title screen
  • All levels (except The Machine) are accessible from the title screen
  • Different animals come out of robots when you destroy them
  • There are no rings in Showdown, and the final boss can't be defeated
  • There are no "demos"
  • The bonus stage you enter when all rings are collected is different (there is only one), and there are no other bonus stages

A complete list of differences between Beta 2 and the final ROM can be found here.